About Us

As you’ll note in our SERVICES section, The Ethical Edge provides fee-for-service consulting in a number of different arenas, from life insurance policy management to technical and due diligence perspective on legal cases involving life insurance. In all of our service areas, we seek to add value and provide a high level of expertise. Financial plans can be simple or complex.

Balance in all aspects of investment and insurance planning is as important for the plans themselves as it is for the advisors who are providing guidance to the process. Financial “problems” require solutions that are addressed holistically and not just from the perspective of one product or concept. Trust is essential in the relationship with financial advisors. In an era in which the phrase “made off” now refers to the largest Ponzi scheme in history, we encourage those seeking our assistance to speak with others who have used our services. Our clients are our best testimonial!

Confidence goes hand in hand with trust, and here we intend for you to review our background and specialties found in the PEOPLE section. Our firm has formed strategic alliances with experts in a variety of financial and insurance arenas so that we can serve the broadest possible spectrum of needs. Our core mission is to serve as Advocates for our clients. Your concerns are our concerns. We will “go to bat” for you in every possible way we can to help you achieve your objectives.

Objectivity is paramount in our client advocacy relationships. Our only source of income is fees paid to us under a client services agreement. We do not seek or accept insurance commissions. We currently feature professional agents on our People page, and with the highest respect for their skills, professionalism and integrity, we derive absolutely no financial benefit from products or services you might acquire from them. At the end of the day, it’s theExpertise of our firm – and that of our strategic alliances – that helps us fulfill our client’s objectives.

The Ethical Edge is an Insurance Fiduciary, where your best interests come first, all material issues are disclosed to allow you to make decisions that are in your best interest, and any conflicts of interest are immediately disclosed and reviewed with you.

For more information or to arrange a no-obligation phone consultation, email us at:

The Ethical Edge is an insurance fiduciary, where your best interests come first

Complimentary Policy Review and Assessment

“Dick Weber is an outstanding consultant and expert witness on insurance issues. He is simply the best around. Smartest guy in the room no matter who is there!”

Guy Kornblum
Trial Attorney, San Francisco, CA.